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inXpection Quality System Establishment

Supplier Onsite Improvement (SOI) is in scope of Audit Service but not actual an Audit activity. It applies to your registered manufacturer in the following situations:

Your supplier already has system but just not so perfect, and there are unacceptable findings in a formal Audit, or actual on-going production, and these findings are about Quality, or System, or Process, and it may affect the subsequent production, or final acceptance of your goods, even harm your brands and reputation. And you want this supplier to make improvement until they get high-qualified. Now you need a SOI.

In a SOI, inXpection experts will review the available evaluation reports firstly if there is any, or do an evaluation by ourselves to detect 5W (What, Where, When, Who, Why) and other key points. Then we will determine an Action Plan for it, and work with cross functional teams to solve it in a contracted time range.

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